X-Ray Imaging Equipments

Dual-Energy X-Ray Tomography/Radioscopy equipment for quantitative analysis in Security

  • Dimensiunile maxime ale obiectului:
    • Diametru 40 cm si Lungime 60cm
  • Tehnici
    • Classical multi-angle Radioscopy
    • Tomografie clasica
    • Radioscopie Dual-Energy
    • Tomografie Dual-Energy
  • Timpul scanarii:
    • 2 minute pentru Radioscopie totala
    • 20 sec. pentru o Tomograma
  • Raze X:
    • 160 keV/3mA
  • Detectori:
    • 2 x 240 fotodiode cu scintilatori sau
    • 1 x 1280 fotodiode cu scintilatori
  • Marimea pixelului:
    • 0.2 / 0.5 mm
  • Scanner mecanic:
    • Translatie verticala 50 cm
    • Dimensiunea mesei rotatorii: 400 mm and 100 mm
  • Output data:
    • Bitmaps ale coeficientilor de atenuare si numarul atomic efectiv (Zeff) in Radioscopie
    • Tomograme ale coeficientilor de atenuare, respectiv numarul atomic efectiv (Zeff) in Tomografie
  • Masa:
    • aprox. 130 Kg
  • Dimensiuni (cm):
    • 80 x 80 x 140 

Automated in-line X-Ray NDT Inspection of Sintered Parts

Echipament dedicat testarilor nedistructive, mai precis a examinarilor in linie cu raze X a pieselor sinterizate si verzi la viteze si rezolutii mari, in special pentru industria automobilelor.

Intregul proces de scanare si evaluare a integritatii pieselor sinterizate, incluzand detectia crapaturilor, precum si analiza automata a defectelor, este relizat in timp real de catre un calculator, in doar cateva secunde pentru fiecare proba.

Intervalul de energie: 60 keV-225keV
Tipul detectorului de raze X: Flat Panel or TDI
Rezolutia imaginii: 4 µm - 100 µm 
Intervalul scanarii: 1-40 cm
Marire: X1-X20
Tehnica de scanare: Obtinerea a doua radiografii la 90 de grade intr-o singura scanare

SW features:

  • Set-up pentru scanari multiple
  • Reference/golden image generation
  • Detectia defectelor in timp real prin compararea cu imaginea de referinta
  • Analiza si clasificarea defectelor
  • Generare raport

X-Shaper dedicated non-destructive equipment for ballistic plates in-line control

X-Shaper Laser & X-Ray Scanner is designed for ballistic plates in-line control by scanning them in two stages: laser scan and x-ray scan.

The analyzed object is transported by conveyors through a laser beam scanning system, the image being taken over by dedicated video cameras, and after it is scanned using a system that includes an X-ray generator and detectors suitable for this purpose.
Data obtained in this way is processed and analyzed using software applications, obtaining information about size, density and internal structure, allowing automanic identification of possible manufacturing defects.
X-Shaper Laser Scan system consists of 2 surface scanners assemblies, each one using of a linear laser beam and a high definition camera.
The assemblies are posted symmetrically, one on below the scanned object and one under the scanned object.
The data analyze software provides accurate measurements of the product parameters: local thickness, length, width, volume and density.

Max length 500mm
Max width 400mm
Scan duration 10 sec
Thickness rezolution 60 microns
Average density precision 1%

The X-Ray Scan system uses a system of 2 X-Ray high definition detectors, each one providing data regarding different zones of the scanned object.
The application performs complex data processing for enhancing images and automatic detection and measurement of defects inside the object.

X-ray source AION 160kV X-Ray generator
Focal spot 1,2 mm
Total filtration 0,852 mm Al
Scan duration 20 sec

Automated Digital X-Ray System for the Inspection of Plastic Electronics, OLED display or thin layers of materials

Echipament dedicat testarilor nedistructive, mai precis a examinarilor in linie cu raze X a OLED display-urilor, componentelor electronice sau a filmelor/straturilor subtiri depuse pe plastic sau sticla.

 Este o tehnica rapida si de mare rezolutie, scotand la iveala suprapuneri de straturi si defecte in timp real, conducand astfel la eliminarea produselor cu defecte de fabricatie prin interpretarea automata a datelor.

Interval de energie: 20 keV-90keV/ 3µm focal spot size
Tipul detectorilor de raze X: Flat Panel sau TDI
Rezolutia imaginii: 4 µm - 30 µm 
Intervalul scanarii: 60 cm X 60 cm
Marire: X1-X400
Tehnica de scanare: Medierea mai multor cadre

Caracteristici SW:

  • Set-up pentru definirea si generarea imaginii de tipar
  • Detectarea defectelor in timp real prin compararea cu tiparul de referinta
  • Analiza si clasificarea automata a defectelor
  • Generarea raportului

Automatic Digital X-Ray Radiography System For Inspection of Small Parts

The equipment is a complex installation of non-destructive high-resolution X-ray automated inspection, intended for installation in factories production lines of electronic parts, drug capsules,
blisters and other plastic, organic or thin metalic small parts.
The samples are scanned using a low energy X-Ray source and a high resolution (60 microns) Time Delay Integration (TDI) detection system.
A software application, based on Machine Learning (ML) technologies that performs dimension measurements and fast detection of defects, is used for analyzing the resulting data.

Rezolution 60 microns
Max length 270mm
Max width 200mm
Scan duration 40 sec
X-Ray source Petrick MNX 60kV
Output data Raw image 4080x5555 pixels

Novel X-ray Inspection Systems for Fast Automated Detection of Counterfeit PCB Components

Echipamentul consta intr-un sistem automat de examinare cu raze X avand scopul detectarii componentelor electronice contrafacute, mai precis a circuitelor integrate ( IC ), inainte de a fi bagate in linia de productie.

Non-destructive equipment for in-line control of metal, ceramic or composite parts by scanning them in two stages: laser scan and x-ray scan

The equipment produced by Accent Pro 2000 is designed for in-line control of metal, ceramic or composite parts, by scanning them in two stages: laser scan and x-ray scan.


Data obtained in this way is processed and analyzed using software applications, obtaining information about size, density and internal structure, allowing automanic identification of possible manufacturing defects.
The system consists of 2 surface scanners assemblies, each one using of a linear laser beam and a high definition camera.

The assemblies are posted symmetrically, one on below the scanned object and one under the scanned object.

The data analyze software provides accurate measurements of the product parameters: local thickness, length, width, volume and density.

Max length 500mm
Max width 400mm
Scan duration 10 sec
Thickness rezolution 60 microns
Average density precision 1%


The X-Ray Scan system uses a system of 2 X-Ray high definition detectors, each one providing data regarding different zones of the scanned object.

The application performs complex data processing for enhancing images and automatic detection and measurement of defects inside the object.

X-ray source AION 160kV X-Ray generator
Focal spot 1,2 mm
Total filtration 0,852 mm Al
Scan duration 20 sec


Portable 2D dual-energy x-ray equipment - DUALTOMO

Detector de raze X: 550 mm x 800 mm x 36 mm / 5 Kg ( la cerere, se poate realiza in orice marime )
Suprafata 2D activa: 512 mm x 624 mm ( la cerere, se poate realiza in orice marime )
Marimea detectorului: Standard 0.4 mm (la cerere: 0.05 mm, 0.1mm, 0.2 mm or 0.8 mm)
*Se poate opta pentru detector de High-energy
Viteza de scanare: Programabila, intre 2s si 120s
Sursa de raze X portabila: 160 kV / 0.5 mA, 9.5 Kg (produsa ICM-Belgium)
Conexiune: Fast Ethernet / wireless
Caracteristici: Radioscopie / Imagini dual-energy, Software pentru analiza imaginilor si identificarea materialelor
Rating/Scor de protectie: IP54