Security applications development at ELI-NP: detecting concealed threatening materials by using Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence and 2D/3D tomography with gamma beams - ELI_THREAT_DETECT
Since the attacks of September 11th 2001 and many others that followed, high emphasis and increasing efforts have been put towards protecting people from terrorist attacks. However, unlike several years ago, this protection is no longer directed against conventional weapons only; nowadays a radiological “dirty bomb” attack or even a nuclear attack poses serious threats, according to experts, and these threats only continue to grow. The materials used in nuclear weapons are Uranium (U-235) and Plutonium (Pu-239) both named as “special nuclear material” (SNM). When Uranium is enriched then we are speaking about highly enriched uranium, or HEU. Same for weapons-grade plutonium, or WGPu. Since those nuclear materials could be transported only in highly shielded enclosures, the security authorities are focussing in detecting SNM smuggled in cargo containers. This project proposes to improve the detection techniques of the SNMs and other threatening materials hidden in cargo containers (such as: gamma sources, explosives, contraband substances, flammable liquids, narcotics, etc.) by using the Nuclear Resonance Techniques (NRF), hence exploiting the unique advantages offered by highly-specialized ELI-NP Gamma Beam equipment in accurately measuring the nuclear resonances.
State of the art in LCS and NRF. The recent developments in the production of high-energy gamma beams by Laser Compton Scattering (LCS) technique have ignited interest in exploring the potentials of the LCS gamma beam in active interrogations for security applications. Gamma beams obtained through inverse Compton scattering of laser light on relativistic electrons have attractive features from the perspective of the potential applications, such as high spectral density, small bandwidth and tunable energy. Low dose, high penetrability and high specificity are few of the advantages of using LCS gamma beams for security applications. The Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence (NRF)-based applications planned to be developed at ELI-NP target the use of NRF and Computed Tomography (CT) with high-energy gamma beams for providing unique opportunities for industry and society [6]. The potential of NRF for security applications has been demonstrated by using bremsstrahlung radiation and the currently available LCS gamma beams for several applications like detection of shielded special nuclear materials [1], assay of spent nuclear fuel [2] and material identification based on the ratio between elements [3], with some limitations encountered due to the available technologies. The applicability of the NRF-based method can be extended also to other fields like cultural heritage and material science. The solution chosen at ELI-NP for producing LCS gamma beams by using a warm LINAC and a high repetition rate laser will produce gamma beams of continuously tunable energy from 0.2 MeV to 19.5 MeV, high spectral density (higher than 104 ph/eV/s) and very small bandwidth (less than 0.5 %), features well beyond the present capabilities of the presently available LCS gamma beams providing the potential for development of active interrogations and industrial radiography and tomography techniques.
The ELI-NP facility will provide laser and gamma beams with unprecedented characteristics for nuclear physics research and applications [8-10]. The ELI-NP gamma beam system (GBS) will deliver quasi-monochromatic gamma-ray beams (bandwidth 95%) in the range of 0.2–19.5 MeV produced by the laser Compton scattering technique (LCS) [7]. These gamma beams are promising tools for probing with high resolution the structural and elemental composition of industrial objects [6].
The ELI_THREAT_DETECT project’s general goal is related to the ELI-RO TDRs topic RA4/II.3 „Application of NRF techniques to material science or cultural heritage research” and RA4/II.4 “Industrial tomography and radiography” with reference to the ELI-NP White Book [8] section 5.6.1 “Industrial Applications for the management of nuclear materials” and to the TDR “Gamma-beam industrial applications at ELI-NP” [6].
The partners proposing the ELI_THREAT_DETECT project, IFIN-HH as coordinator of the entire ELI-NP project, and AP2K with expertise in the development of digital radiography (DR) and industrial computed tomography (ICT) systems for non-destructive testing (NDT) and Security (baggage screening) applications, have also collaborated for the ELI-NP White book [8] and for the elaboration of the technical design report (TDR) “Gamma beam industrial applications at ELI-NP” [6]. The TDR focuses on the technical description of two major industrial applications of gamma beams at ELI-NP: industrial applications based on Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence (NRF) and industrial radioscopy and tomography with high-energy gamma beams. The NRF-based investigations, also referred to as active interrogations, can be successfully applied to safeguard applications and management of nuclear materials as well as to cultural heritage and medical imaging. The experimental setups proposed in the TDR include an advanced gamma-ray detection system based on segmented clover HPGe detectors – ELIADE [11] – that will be shared between nuclear physics experiments [11] and NRF-based applications [6]. ELIADE is currently under implementation and will become available in 2019. Other components of the setups are two automated mechanical scanners, large volume scintillator detectors (eg. BGO, NaI or LaBr3), a 2D gamma imaging system and various collimators. This equipment can be used in the ELI_THREAT_DETECT project as soon as it becomes available.
The ELI_THREAT_DETECT project’s primary objectives aim to the extension and diversification of the TDR “Gamma beam industrial applications at ELI-NP” proposal. Within this project we propose to use the techniques described in the TDR to develop a strategy for the detection of concealed threatening material and to propose additional experimental setups that will enlarge the range of possible applications at ELI-NP.
The ELI_THREAT_DETECT proposal combines the expertise of AP2K in Security (single, dual and multi energy, diffraction X-ray Digital Radiography and Tomography for baggage scanners) and non-destructive testing of materials (gamma and X-ray imaging) with the equipment and the know-how available at ELI-NP to deliver new opportunities for security applications development. Moreover, the X-ray laboratory equipment and facilities of AP2K will be employed in all necessary tests for the preparation and testing phases of this project.
The ELI_THREAT_DETECT proposal will create the necessary equipment, analysis algorithms and skilled scientists and engineers for further continuing the security applications development at ELI-NP.
The ELI_THREAT_DETECT project aim is to combine 2D&3D imaging techniques based on gamma-ray transmission and nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) for developing screening/scanning algorithms for large-size objects, like cargo containers, trucks, vans, parcels, etc., in order to accurately detect the most forbidden threatening materials hidden inside, such as: special nuclear materials, shielded gamma sources, various type of explosives or precursors of explosives, contraband materials, flammable liquids, toxic substances, etc. The project main objectives are:
• To analyze various threatening materials for developing a database containing main parameters of interest, such as: chemical formula, density, Zeffective, minimal quantity to be detected, gamma attenuation coefficients, and especially the optimum NRF energies and cross sections for threats detections.
• To develop threats-detection-specific NRF set-up design using Monte-Carlo simulations with GEANT4 toolkit, for two main arrangements: a) in scattering, using a backward geometry of the detectors using the so called “Scattering NRF method”; b) in transmission using “witness” foils of known composition placed after the container using the “self-absorption” or transmission NRF method;
• To study the impact and the advantages of using the LINAC bremsstrahlung sources or available LCS sources (ex. Subaru-Japan, HIGS-USA) for calibrating the setups and/or for measuring the energy spectrum of particular materials of interest before the ELI-NP gamma source becomes available;
• To generate 2D&3D NRF-based data from Monte Carlo simulations for preliminary analysis and evaluation of various threats detectability level in several cases, such as: using different types of gamma sources (LCS or LINAC bremsstrahlung), different geometry set-ups, usage of various type of spectroscopic detectors, different scanning techniques for container content 2D&3D imaging.
• To develop a reasonable size 3D container phantom containing various combinations of threatening materials or their simulants in different overlapped positions. The phantom will contain materials of different Z and density, high Z shielding materials as well as materials that could yield an overlapped emitted NRF lines situation. This phantom will be used for NRF and tomography tests as well as for optimization experiments at ELI-NP Gamma Beam. For tomography tests we will use the ELI-NP mechanical scanners and the scanning control procedures developed in the ELITOMO project.
• To develop a complex algorithm for scanning, reconstruction and 2D&3D image visualization of various detected threats inside the container, including an NRF-based 3D threats reconstruction algorithm.
• To finally present a conceptual design of an industrial application solution for cargo container/truck gamma scanning equipment, dedicated for borders and harbors customs security checkpoints that would use the NRF imaging techniques developed within the proposal.
• To form and train scientists and engineers for future operation of experimental setups dedicated for security applications at ELI-NP.
The ELI-NP GBS will deliver gamma beams of unique characteristics that will present countless opportunities at forefront of science for both fundamental as well as applied research [9].
Within the ELI_THREAT_DETECT project our objectives are to combine conventional gamma imaging by radiography and tomography with an element specific technique, like nuclear resonance fluorescence, for developing a container-screening strategy:
• The container is pre-scanned by gamma-ray single/dual energies technique for obtaining the 2D&3D Zeff /density transmission images in order to localize the high Z/high density materials that may pose potential threats, defined as regions of interest (ROI).
• The ROIs defined in the previous step will be locally investigated using NRF for an exact determination of their elemental composition, hence detecting the concealed threatening materials;
At ELI-NP will be two experimental configurations dedicated to digital radiography (DR) and industrial computed tomography (ICT): i) a pencil-beam setup that uses a collimated beam and a large volume gamma detector and ii) a cone-beam setup that uses a full beam divergence and a two-dimensional detector. In both cases the aim is to obtain high-resolution tomography images (0.2 mm –1 mm). These configurations can be used for obtaining transmission images or 2D/3D reconstructed images of large objects in order to localize ROIs that can be further imaged using a combination of DR/ICT and NRF. The NRF-based investigations will be performed using two methods: backscattering NRF and transmission or self-absorption NRF [3]. In the first method, the detectors are placed in a backscattering geometry and record the NRF photons produced in beam line passing through the investigated container. In the second method, the beam transmitted through the object will impinge on targets of known composition (witness foils), which contains the material that should be detected.
In the transmission NRF method, the detectors are placed around the witness foils in backscattering geometry and register the number of NRF photons that are produced in the witness foil rather than in the investigated object/cargo. Preferential attenuation of the resonant photons in the investigated object will lead to a reduction of the NRF signal produced by the witness foil. The difference in the number of counts registered by the detectors with or without the object/cargo will determine the amount of material of interest (suspected material) in the investigated object. The applicability of each experimental method depends on the size of the investigated object/cargo and on the demanded sensitivity [4]. For thin objects both method can be employed whereas for large objects through which the gamma beam cannot be transmitted the scattering method is more advantageous.
Within the ELI_THREAT_DETECT project our objectives are to use the techniques proposed and described in the TDR and mentioned above to develop a strategy for the detection of concealed threatening material and propose additional experimental setups that will enlarge the range of applications that can be performed at ELI-NP. Figure 1 shows a sketch of two possible experimental configurations that are proposed for large cargo screening and will be optimized and tested during this project. We plan to use Monte Carlo simulations not only for preliminary optimization of the setup but also for estimating the smallest quantities of threats detectable for each configuration and find solutions for challenging situations, like scanning complex objects containing materials yielding similar NRF signatures. Figure 2 displays a simulated energy spectrum that is obtained by us when a gamma beam of 2.176 MeV impinges on a target of 238U. The arrows point to the NRF resonances that are the fingerprint of 238U. By mapping these resonance in a ROI of a cargo one can obtain a 2D/3D distribution of 238U inside cargo [12]. We plan to use the expertise of AP2K in NDT and security x-ray radiography and computed tomography to develop a complex algorithm for scanning, reconstruction and 2D&3D image visualization of various detected threats inside a container, including an NRF-based 3D threats reconstruction algorithm. We want to combine the know-how available at AP2K and at ELI-NP with the equipment available at ELI-NP to prepare the fundamental base for the security applications setups at ELI-NP.
[1] C. A. Hagmann et al. J. Appl. Phys. 106, 084901 (2009).
[2] C. T. Angell et al. Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B 347 (2015) 11–19
[3] W. Bertozzi et al. Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B 261, 331 (2007)
[4] B. A. Ludewigt, B. J. Quiter and S.D. Ambers, Nuclear resonance fluorescence for safeguards applications, DOE report, url: (2011).
[5] H. Ohgaki et al., J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 3155 (2011).
[6] G. Suliman et al., Gamma Beam Industrial applications at ELI-NP, Rom. Rep. Phys. 68 (2016) S799–S845.
[7] O. Adriani et al., Technical Design Report EuroGammaS proposal for the ELI-NP Gamma beam System, arXiv:1407.3669.
[8] ELI-NP White Book - , pg. 125
[9] S. Gales et al., New frontiers in nuclear physics with high-power lasers and brilliant monochromatic gamma beams, Physica Scripta 91 093004 (2016).
[10] C. A. Ur et al., Acta Physica Polonica B 46, 743 (2015).
[11] C. A. Ur et al, Nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments at ELI-NP, Rom. Rep. Phys. 68, S483 (2016).
[12] I. Daito, H. Ohgaki, G. Suliman, V Iancu, C. A. Ur, M Iovea, Simulation Study on Computer Tomography Imaging of Nuclear Distribution by Quasi Monoenergetic Gamma Rays with Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence: case study for ELI-NP application, Energy Procedia 89 389 – 394 (2016).
The encyclopedic site dedicated to Romanian enterprises has listed ACCENT PRO 2000 S.R.L to be the 1st most successful R&D Romanian Company and the 2nd in the Top R&D Company from District 3, Bucharest, according to the 2012 balance sheet.
Under the Research and Innovation for the SME’s benefit motto, The National Education Ministry gathered a series of enterprises and research unities involved in Technological Platforms to identify innovation, inventions, innovative companies and new technologies for the purpose of transferring innovation in the economic environment.
The 6th edition of international Symposium took place in Bucharest from 16th to 18th October 2013 and had as the main goal to bring forward innovative methods and technologies, development of new products and services, knowledge and technology transfer from the research environment to the productive one.
ACCENT PRO 2000 ltd. was present to the forum to talk about Difficulties and solutions in elaboration and management of R4SME projects from the perspective of the AP2K General Manager Dr. Mihai IOVEA, who has been Project coordinator for 13 projects and partner in more than 11 projects financed by Romanian Ministry of Research, EC or private companies.
Follow presentation link:
Confference presentations:
35 founding members associated today, the 18th of November 2013 to form a Non-Governmental, Nonprofit, Apolitical and Non-discriminatory Organization under the name of Măgurele High Tech Cluster – MHTC.
The purpose of the new-created Association is to ensure the technological transfer between Research-Development-Innovation entities and the Business environment by the development of productive partnerships. In this manner it is expected an increase in the competitiveness of Romanian companies, a growth in R&D&I capacities and a higher rate of success in the matter of Results.
Since the productivity seems to be the new target in the R&D domain, these partnerships that are able to generate innovative technologies, products and services destined to eliminate certain problems and to create implementing mechanisms are basically feeding an actual need.
With the approval of the Associates, the MHTC Association will accept new members. (For further details please see the MHTC presentation held by Ioan Ursu at the Industrial Forum, the President of Măgurele High Tech Cluster.)
On the 3rd and 4th of December 2013, the PlastronicsSpec Partners gathered at Accent Pro 2000 ltd. premises in Romania for the project’s Final meeting and DEMO day.
The first day of Meeting Agenda covered the Project overview and presentations of Radiography Activities, Development of signal processing for real time X-ray detector arrays, System Enclosure, System Integration and Validation. There were also discussions on the future Dissemination, Exploitation and Training activities.
The second meeting day was an open Demonstration Day of the PlastronicsSpec System located at the Coordinator’s Laboratory at Faculty of Physics, where the Consortium and other guests were invited to see a real-time product scan preceded by an introduction of the Project.
The completion of the project milestones are on track and according to schedule, stated Dr. Ian Nicholson, TWI Project Manager.
The project is funded by the European FP7 programme, started on the 1st of November 2011 and will end on December 31st, 2013.
The PlastronicsSpec consortium on the Demo day, 4th December 2013.
ACCENT PRO 2000 ltd. was invited on Tuesday, December 10th, at the Industrial Forum, a special meeting dedicated to Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) Project. and organized by The National Education Ministry (MEN) and the Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH).
As the ELI-NP Project Manager N. Zamfir stated, “The New Laser – almost 1000 times more powerful than any other existing laser, will create a Center of European Research in Măgurele, ROMANIA, this being not only the avant-garde of research in the lasers’ domain at a global level but also an opportunity to explore new frontiers in various industrial domains.
Since there is an increasing interest for the companies’ help and expertise in such projects, AP2K is looking forward to develop new partnerships that will positively exploit the ELI-NP Gamma beam Source in imaging applications – our main activity domain.
Accent Pro 2000 personnel has been awarded by The Romanian Academy for the scientific paper "Dual-energy X-Ray Tomography applied to marine and deltaic geology" published in Engineering Geology. The event took place on December 19th 2013, in Bucharest, ROMANIA.
In an article published on the DIGITAL edition of +Plastic ELECTRONICS magazine, the consortium for PlastronicsSpec discusses the potential impact of inspection technology in reducing OLED production costs - and opening the markets in displays and lighting.
Plastic electronics companies across the globe are set to invest heavily this year in evolving their manufacturing processes to both increase the size of production runs and cut material defects.
A defect-reducing inspection system for OLED production could help drive down price for new consumer products and lighting. The system was developed by a consortium of European businesses and academic institutes, as part of the EU-funded PlastronicsSpec project.
The Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) project, under implementation in Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, aims at reaching extremely high photon field intensities, for new experiments in Nuclear Physics and related areas, with two large research equipment, a high power laser system and a high intensity gamma beam system. Both pieces of equipment are significantly beyond present-day state-of-the -art.The new research infrastructure promises to break new ground in many areas of science and technology, such asa fundamental physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, accelerators and releted technical developments, laser physics and engineering, medicine, and material science.
The purpose of this Memorandum is to establish a proper framework for cooperation between the signatory parties regarding the implementation of ELI-NP and the development of its scientific programme.
HoriaHulubei " National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, hereinafter "IFIN-HH", and Aceent Pro 2000 s.r.l., hereinafter "AP2K", are the sole parties to this Memorandum.
The undersigned parties agree to cooperate on research topics for developing applications for the High intensity gamma beam system from ELI-NP project, for:
- developing the ELI-NP gamma beam experimental areas;
- defining the applications set-up's intensity gamma beam system;
- designing and developing the necessary instrumentation for applications implementations;
- training high-skilled human resources in teh field;
- promoting ELI-NP as in international user facility.
TWI Technology Centre (Wales)
The Open Access NDT Database
The Web's Largest Database of Nondestructive Testing (NDT)
Top pentru Microintreprinderi, localitatea Sectorului 3 domeniul 7219 - Cercetare-Dezvoltare in alte stiinte naturale si inginerie, conform bilant 2013.
Mai multe detalii :
Accent Pro 2000 a participat la TIB - SALONUL CERCETARII ROMANESTI - 2014 din cadrul expozitiei de la ROMEXPO, din data de 15-18 octombrie.
La aceasta manifestare am avut un stand unde am prezentat mai multe exponate:
- prototip functional detector DUALTOMO - Sistem "dual - energy" cu raze X de radiografiere digitala dedicat identificării rapide a conținutului bagajelor și pachetelor suspecte in intervențiile antitero, dar pentru utilizarea în aplicatiile de Control Nedistructiv Industrial;
- poster al proiectului PlastronicsSpec: Dezvoltarea unui sistem automatizat de radiografie digitala cu raze X pentru verificarea componentelor electronice imprimate pe suport flexibil de tipul display-urilor OLED;
- poster al proiectului AutoInspect: Sistem de inspecție automat cu raze X pentru verificarea integritatii pieselor sinterizate in liniile de producție;
- poster al proiectului DUALTOMO : Proiectarea și dezvoltarea unui sistem cu raze X „dual-energy” de radioscopie digitala, mobil și autonom, de înaltă rezoluție, destinat identificarii rapide a materialelor explozive din bagaje în timpul interventiilor antitero, precum si pentru controlul Nedistructiv Industrial;
- prezentarea imaginilor radiografice pe un display de PC din cadrul proiectelor PlastronicsSpec, AutoInspect, DUALTOMO si altele;
- poster : prezentarea proiectelor de cecetare-dezvoltare realizate de firma noastra.
Dintre expozanti s-au numarat atat institute de pe platforma Magurele: IFIN-HH, INOE, INFLPR,INFP etc., din Bucuresti: ROSA, ICECHIM, IMT etc. si din tara, carora li s-au alaturat si IMM-urile de succes.
Istoria proiectul AUTOINSPECT a fost publicata pe site-ul HORIZON 2020.
Horizon 2020 este un program de cercetare si inovare initiat de Uniunea Europeana.
Intreg articolul poate fi urmarit accesand urmatorul link:
Accent Pro 2000 a participat la TIB - SALONUL CERCETARII ROMANESTI - 2015 din cadrul expozitiei de la ROMEXPO, din data de 14-17 octombrie.
Mai multe exponate au fost prezentate in cadrul expozitiei:
- prezentarea imaginilor radiografice pe un display de PC din cadrul proiectelor PlastronicsSpec, AutoInspect, DUALTOMO si altele;
- poster al proiectului PlastronicsSpec: Dezvoltarea unui sistem automatizat de radiografie digitala cu raze X pentru verificarea componentelor electronice imprimate pe suport flexibil de tipul display-urilor OLED;
- postere ale proiectelor Autoinspect, Plastronicsspec, Dualtomo cat si prezentarea proiectelor de cecetare-dezvoltare realizate de firma noastra.
Top pentru Microintreprinderi, localitatea Sectorul 3, domeniul 72: Cercetare - Dezvoltare, conform bilant 2014.
Mai multe detalii:
Asociatia ELI-NP Cluster Inovativ cu sediul in Orasul Magurele, Str. Atomistilor nr.409 Judetul Ilfov, a derulatin intervalul 14.05.2014 - 14.11.2015 proiectul MAGURELE HIGH TECH CLUSTER (MHTC)in baza contractului de finantare nr. 1CLT 800.010 incheiat cu Ministerul Fondurilor Europene desemnat ca Autoritate de Management pentru Programul Operational Cresterea Competitivitatii Economice.
Valoarea totala a proiectului:901 200 lei din care asistenta financiara nerambursabila: 892 200 lei.
Obiectivul general: Cresterea competitivitatii IMM-urilor prin constituirea unui cluster si prin valorificarea oportunitatilor oferite de activitatea de CDI de pe Platforma de Fizica a Orasului Magurele si, in mod special, a potentialului urias generat de proiectul european ELI – NP, in conditiile respectarii principiilor dezvoltarii durabile.
Proiectul a fost implementat in localitatea Magurele, judetul Ilfov
Rezultatele proiectului: cresterea numarului de membri de la 35 la 87 si numarul cererilor de aderare este in crestere, evaluarea printr-o sesiune de benchmarking a echipei de management a clusterului si acordarea etichetei de bronz pentru excelenta, depunerea mai multor proiecte pe diverse programme de finantare, castigarea in urma consultantei oferite de echipa de management membrilor a unui numar de 10 finantari, participarea la cursuri si sesiuni de mentoring/coaching pentru cresterea coeziunii membrilor.
Persoana de contact: Iuliana Velniciuc, Responsabil pentru comunicare si organizarea de evenimente, telefon: 0742.1-03.087, e.mail:
Project ''Support action for gamma beam industrial imaging applications development at ELI-NP / ELITOMO''
Third place in Top Profit Romania Microcompanies - SECTORUL 3 city, activity 72: Scientific research and development.
Security applications development at ELI-NP: detecting concealed threatening materials by using Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence and 2D/3D tomography with gamma beams - ELI_THREAT_DETECT
ACCENT PRO 2000 S.R.L. (AP2K), seeks candidates for a 3-years PhD position in the interdisciplinary field of X-ray physics, materials science and computation
The PhD student will be part of our Research and Development team in the field of "2D &3D X-ray multimodal X-ray imaging for investigation of threats detection for security applications", especially in advanced baggage scanner techniques. The main goal is to analyze and optimize, by simulations and experiments, the materials identification methods based on various X-ray imaging techniques, such as: dual-energy, multi-energy and diffractions, using different scanning techniques that includes one-view, dual-view, multi-view and 2D and 3D static (non-gantry) tomography.
The PhD student will work closely with research colleagues from AP2K but also with the academic partner at Department of Physics at the Technical University of Denmark – DTU ( and externally, with our industrial and academic partners.
Your PhD project will be part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network, “Multiscale, Multimodal, Multidimensional imaging for EngineeRING” or in short MUMMERING ( The network is concerned with interdisciplinary R&D and training in 3D imaging and its application in materials and information science. The network offers totally 15 PhD positions Information about all 15 PhD positions can be found here.
For more details and other requirements of the PhD position please visit :
We got signed an R&D contract with Gilardoni company from Italy ( for jointly developing static tomographic machines equipped with new X-ray algorithms for the next generation of 3D baggage scanners.
Our company has recently signed an R&D Contract with NUROL Teknoloji A.S. company from Turkey for development of a dedicated Non-destructive equipment for ballistic plates in-line control.
Program: New advanced technologies for surfaces deposition by using high-power lasers for increasing the materials reliability and performances - PRELAM
Accent Pro 2000 succesfully delivered and installed X-Shaper equipment - Laser & X-Ray Scanner designed for ballistic plates in-line control developed in colabotration with NUROL Teknoloji A.S. (Turkey).
Mummering Project Event: Winter School: “Multimodal X-Ray Identification Techniques For Security Applications” & Workshop: ” How To Build And Run Your Own Business” & 4th General Assembly
Monday17th–Friday 21st February 2020
CAPITOL HOTEL, Bucharest, ROMANIA; Tel:+40213158030
Organized by partner:ACCENT PRO 2000 S.R.L. (shortly AP2K);; phone: (+4)0314380154
Registration deadline:10th January 2020
AP2K contact persons:
-Mihai IOVEA:, mobile: (+4)0745182660
-Mihaela, mobile: (+4)0745182660
Event program
Registration form
Accent Pro 2000 S.R.L. (AP2K) is proud to announce that has signed a know-how transfer contract with Integrity NDT -Turkey
Accent Pro 2000 S.R.L. (AP2K) is proud to announce that has signed a
know-how transfer contract with Integrity NDT -Turkey for delivering the
technologies and manufacturing design for ceramic ballistic plates in-line
Non-Destructive Control machine that will be further manufactured in Turkey.
According with the contract, AP2K will offer also technical consultancy to
Integrity NDT for the new product integration and further developments.
EU HORIZON 2020 - MARIE CURIE program grant awarded for 48 month PROJECT ‘XCTING’ with title "Enabling X-ray CT based Industry 4.0 process chains by training Next Generation research experts", our company being part of the project consortium as partner organization.
"BIOIMAGING - Imbunatatirea tehnicilor de imagistica cu raze X
neconventionale pentru investigarea efectelor iradierii tesuturilor
biologice cu doze de radiatii gama monitorizate".
The HECTOR project aims to create the first-ever fully autonomous solution for
inspections of ship confined spaces relying on a drone that collects visual and ultrasonic
data. The HECTOR project significantly pushes the boundaries in the fields of robotics,
Artificial Intelligence and Condition-Based Maintenance which contribute significantly to
the Digital Transition of the shipping industry.
ACCENT PRO 2000 S.R.L. is proud to announce that will participate (online) in the Automotive Expo & B2B Meetings 2022 and invites interested companies to discuss solutions for the needs of manufacturers in the Automotive domain.
Automotive Expo & B2B Meetings is the leading B2B Automotive Trade Fair in Romania, organized with the purpose of development and improvement of business relations, dedicated to automotive manufacturing professionals, buyers, suppliers and sub-suppliers.
Automotive Expo & B2B Meetings will be hosted at Redal Expo, located in Sibiu, on 26.05.2022.
ACCENT PRO 2000 S.R.L. is proud to announce that will attend the World PM2022 Congress & Exhibition, organised and sponsored by the European Powder Metallurgy Association, Lyon, France from 09 to 13 October 2022, and invites interested companies to visit our Stand #148 and to discuss solutions for the needs of manufacturers in the PM domain.
The Powder Metallurgy World Congress is only held in Europe once every six years and is an essential destination for the international PM community to meet its suppliers, producers and end-users and to discover the latest innovations in PM technology.
The World PM2022 Congress & Exhibition, organised and sponsored by the
European Powder Metallurgy Association , took place
in Lyon, France, 9 - 13 October 2022.
This world event attracts industry leaders, decision-makers, respected
academics and PM related companies and personnel from across the supply
The programme of plenary, keynote, oral and poster presentations were
focused on all aspects of PM:
* Powder Production
* Consolidation technologies (Compaction and Sintering, MIM, HIP,
FAST, AM beam based technologies, AM sinter based technologies, .)
* Materials (Ferrous & Non ferrous materials, Light materials, Hight
temperature materials, Functional materials, Hard metals, cermets and
diamond tools, .)
* Applications (Biomedical, Aerospace, Automotive, Energy, .)
* Tools for improving PM (Test and evaluation, Secondary operations,
Design and modelling, Life Cycle Analysis, Digitization, .)
At the Congress we presented:
- our X-ray high-resolution Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) solutions for
sintered and additive manufactured parts quality analysis available in our
laboratory, together with some X-ray digital radiography images of scanned
- a high-resolution X-ray Digital Radiography (DR) system and a Laser-based
3D profiler accurate dimension measurement, both installed in one machine,
for sintered parts in-line NDT quality control.
- a new real-time X-ray imaging quality control system for parts
manufactured by Laser Melting Deposition (LMD) and adaptable for any
additive manufacturing technique, able to acquire continuously DR data
during the deposition process and to check, in real-time, the deposition
geometrical parameters and internal defects.
High-intensity photon beam sources in the range of multi-MeV are the key tools in many research fields, such as nuclear, atomic, materials and astrophysics sciences, and especially in medical gamma therapies and non-destructive testing applications. Surprisingly, nowadays microfocus-size gamma ray sources of multi-MeV energy range able to produce 2D radiographic images and 3D tomograms of scanned objects at high-resolution of few/tens microns size are not available. We are proposing the development of a multi-annual research and an experimental program, focusing on increasing the theoretical knowledge regarding the laser interactions with matter and on the improvement of the various set-ups able to produce high-intensity gamma beams, with small focal spot size and the required divergence. For each set-up a set of new experiments will be dedicated to a better characterization of the gamma source capabilities and to improving the theoretical model. The scientific and experimental work in this program will finally allow us to predict and optimize various laser-driven gamma beam emission configurations, as a starting tool for further potential development of stand-alone microfocus gamma ray sources projects for the development of medical, scientific and industrial applications.
Project details
Accepted research proposal/ in the process of signing: DIGITAL MAINTENANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE AND FLEXIBLE OPERATION OF HYDROPOWER PLANT - Di-Hydro
Acronym of project: Di-Hydro
Duration (months): 36
Call: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-03 (Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply)
Topic: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-03-08
Type of Action: HORIZON-RIA
Proposal number: 101122311
Type of Model Grant Agreement: HORIZON Lump Sum Grant
List of participating organisations:
MOBYGIS SRL, Italy, eroare
MAS Consulting S.r.l., Italy,
ACCENT PRO 2000 s.r.l., Romania,
A2A SPA, Italy,
Di-Hydro will develop practical solutions, applicable to HP plants and clusters across the EU, regardless of their previous digitization level, by combining innovative sensor technology and digital adaption for energy production, optimized O&M practices based on cutting-edge information technology, while taking into account weather and water flow conditions, biodiversity, environmental and societal issues as inputs, and at the same time will help HP companies strategize and manage production based on market and societal needs, thus leading to an increase in HP energy generation by at least 30% by 2030 and more than 50% by 2040, as the proposed digital adaption in HPs intensifies. Innovations of Di-Hydro will facilitate HP energy production through novelties in sensors, data management and security, process digitization, safe connection, and optimization, as well as help preserve wildlife and include societal factors in electrical power production and management, as this is critical to achieve the vision of strengthening the clean energy cluster in the EU.
Integration of Advanced Experiments, Computation and Data for Innovation in Freeze Casting and Advanced Porous Structures - ice-Link
The project aims to collaboratively research on ice-templating of advanced porous materials through modern data system/sharing, experiments and numerical/physical modelling. It will enhance the R&I capacity of academic and industrial partners, sustain the effort in collectively challenging issue in this most active research area and jointly developing major break-through technologies.
It will also equip researchers with modern research facilities, innovation skills and critical thinking capacity through integrated data system, facilities, dynamic collaboration with everlasting impact.” cu link catre proiec
Di-Hydro will develop practical solutions, applicable to HP plants and clusters across the EU.
View details
Defence Safety & Security Group Technical Networking: Additive Manufacturing in Defence
organised by Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (IOM3 | Homepage) will take place on 21 November 2024, 1pm – 5.30pm, London, IOM3 Headquarters, 297 Euston Road. (IOM3 | Defence Safety & Security Group Technical Networking: Additive Manufacturing in Defence)
This half-day event is designed for businesses, academia, and industry leaders to highlight their innovations and expertise. It provides a prime opportunity to network, present cutting-edge solutions, including advancements in additive manufacturing, engage in insightful discussions, and explore collaborative ventures that could shape the future of global security.
At the event, Dr. Mihai Iovea will present the paper “Industrial techniques and equipment for sintered and additive manufactured parts quality control by X-ray imaging and Laser profilers 3D scan”.