Advanced X-Ray Imaging system for Aeronautical and Aerospace Industry components structural integrity analysis, acronym DUALXSCAN.
Project number: 47/19.11.2012
Project manager: Dr.Ing.Fiz. Mihai IOVEA;
Work package 1. Preliminary studies, X-Ray set-ups and samples design for laboratory experiments
Delivery date: 20/12/2012
Involved partners: OPTOELECTRONICA-2001S.A.
Deliverable no. 1. Report about samples and laboratory experiments design
Work package 2. Laboratory experimental models development and laboratory samples test.
Delivery date: 31/05/2013
Involved partners: Co, P1
Deliverable no. 2. Preliminary experiments results
WP Objectives: The purpose of this phase was to create the design of mechanical assemblies, electrical and electronic equipment and also the software for the control of movement, the acquisition and data processing from each of the two components of the system, namely XSCAN-T for transmission detection and XSCAN -B spread radiation detection method.
WP Summary: In the present stage was projected an X-ray inspection system for different samples and standards put under investigation by a transmission detection method (XSCAN-T) and also by scattering radiation detection method (XSCAN-B).
Thus, it has been designed a system consisting of an X-ray generator used in medical applications, equipped with a fixed table with samples and standards set on top, a motorized mechanical drive system of the X-ray tube, a spread radiation detector with its own control system, a panel composed of a linear X-ray detector having a resolution of 200 microns that moves within the board, thereby achieving a 2D image of the investigated object detected by the transmission method.
Also, we presented a solution for the high resolution radiation detector using a transmission-type TDI detector (Time Delay Integration) which has a pixel size of 54 microns and provides a resolution of 5 lppm (line pairs per millimeter). We take into consideration the use of developed software form our previous projects to control the X-ray generator movement, data acquisition control and control of linear detector movement inside panel detection. These applications were developed in C + + and language Instrumentation LabView.
Work package 3. Design of X-ray laboratory experimental assemblies
Delivery date: 20/12/2013
Involved partners: Co, P1
Deliverable no. 3. Report about design of SCAN-T and SCAN-B prototypes
Phase Objectives: The purpose of this phase was to build the mechanical, electrical and electronic subassemblies and software for controlling the movement, acquisition and processing of data obtained with each of the two components of the system, that XSCAN -T used for transmission detection and XSCAN-B used for scattered radiation detection.
Phase Summary: During this phase of the project was created an inspection system using X-rays for different samples in aerospace industry that scans either by detection transmission method (XSCAN -T) or by radiation detection scattering method (XSCAN -B). Thus, was created a system composed of an X -ray generator used in medical applications equipped with a fixed table onto which samples were placed, a motorized mechanical system for X-ray tube movement, a detector for scattered radiation with its own control system, a panel that comprises a linear X-ray detector which had a 400 microns resolution and whose resolution has been improved to 200 micron. This is detector moving inside the panel, thus acquiring a 2D image of the object by transmission detection method.
Likewise, has been tested the high-resolution solution for the transmission-radiation detector using a TDI detector which has a pixel size of 54 microns and ensures a resolution of 5lppm (line pairs per millimeter). We used software applications developed in C++ and LabView instrumentation language for data acquisition control, movement control inside detection panel and for TDI detector control during scanning process.
Were prepared a series of metal structures of various materials to serve at a scanning performance evaluation of systems that will be used in the measurement and custom designed samples for testing used to determine scanning equipment resolution. The contract Partner OPTOELECTRONICA-2001 S.A contributed to this phase of the contract with the following activities:
- Development of simulated samples of specific aerospace composite material
- Design and implementation of an experimental simulation of composite sandwich structure
- Design and implementation of a custom designed sample for radiological testing
- Set up the Scanning System
Work package 4. SCAN-T and SCAN-B prototypes design
Delivery date: 30/05/2014
Involved partners: Co, P1
Deliverable no. 4. Algorithms and software developed for the XSCAN-T and XSCAN-B prototypes
Work package 5. Algorithm implementation and software development with experiments
Delivery date: 20/12/2014
Involved partners: Co, P1
Deliverable no. 5. Report about the XSCAN-T and XSCAN-B prototypes and their characteristics
Work package 6. Prototype manufacturing, experiments and final characteristics, in-situ demonstration, dissemination, market presentations
Delivery date: 29/05/2015
Involved partners: Co, P1
Deliverable no. 6. Dissemination, demonstration, marketing promotion actions, conferences