All projects
Period: Apr 2020 to Apr 2023
Coordinator: ACCENT PRO 2000 S.R.L. (Dr. Mihai IOVEA)
X-CAP project’s goal is the design and implementation of a complex installation of non-destructive high-resolution X-ray automated inspection, intended for installation in factories production lines of drug capsules, blisters and other plastic, organic or thin metalic small parts.
The samples are scanned using a low energy X-Ray source and a high resolution (60 microns) Time Delay Integration (TDI) detection system.
The samples are scanned using a low energy X-Ray source and a high resolution (60 microns) Time Delay Integration (TDI) detection system.
Period: Feb 2020
Accent Pro 2000 S.R.L. (AP2K) is proud to announce that has signed a
know-how transfer contract with Integrity NDT -Turkey for delivering the
technologies and manufacturing design for ceramic ballistic plates in-line
Non-Destructive Control machine that will be further manufactured in Turkey.
According with the contract, AP2K will offer also technical consultancy to
know-how transfer contract with Integrity NDT -Turkey for delivering the
technologies and manufacturing design for ceramic ballistic plates in-line
Non-Destructive Control machine that will be further manufactured in Turkey.
According with the contract, AP2K will offer also technical consultancy to
Period: Jul 2019 to Jul 2022
Coordinator: ACCENT PRO 2000 S.R.L. (Dr. Mihai IOVEA)
Our project goal: Laser-based cladding process monitoring by real-time X-ray imaging system.
Period: May 2018 to Feb 2019
Period: Mar 2018 to Aug 2020
Period: Feb 2018 to Aug 2019
X-Shaper Laser & X-Ray Scanner produced by Accent Pro 2000 is designed for ballistic plates in-line control by scanning them in two stages: laser scan and x-ray scan.
The analyzed object is transported by conveyors through a laser beam scanning system, the image being taken over by dedicated video cameras, and after it is scanned using a system that includes an X-ray generator and detectors suitable for this purpose.
Period: Oct 2017 to Dec 2019
Since the attacks of September 11th 2001 and many others that followed, high emphasis and increasing efforts have been put towards protecting people from terrorist attacks. However, unlike several years ago, this protection is no longer directed against conventional weapons only; nowadays a radiological “dirty bomb” attack or even a nuclear attack poses serious threats, according to experts, and these threats only continue to grow. The materials used in nuclear weapons are Uranium (U-235) and Plutonium (Pu-239) both named as “special nuclear material” (SNM).
Period: Sep 2017
Coordinator: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Call Identifier H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017 (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks)
Type of Action MSCA-ITN-ETN (European Training Networks)
Proposal number: 765604
Duration in months: 48
Total Budget value :3999114,00 EUR.
Type of Action MSCA-ITN-ETN (European Training Networks)
Proposal number: 765604
Duration in months: 48
Total Budget value :3999114,00 EUR.
Elitomo Project: 2D &3D Tomography for Large-size Objects Using ELI-NP Ultrabright Gamma Beam Source
Period: Sep 2016 to Aug 2019
Numar contract: 10ELI / 01.09.2016
Manager proiect: Mihai IOVEA; e-mail:
Valoare buget: 1.111.200 (1105348.49) RON
Parteneri: P1 Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara "Horia Hulubei"(IFIN-HH) -Romania
Persoane de contact:
Iovea Mihai - Cercetator stiintific, ACCENT PRO 2000,
Manager proiect: Mihai IOVEA; e-mail:
Valoare buget: 1.111.200 (1105348.49) RON
Parteneri: P1 Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara "Horia Hulubei"(IFIN-HH) -Romania
Persoane de contact:
Iovea Mihai - Cercetator stiintific, ACCENT PRO 2000,
Period: Mar 2016 to Mar 2019