Other industrial products
- Diameter of reconstruction: 85 mm
- Number of projections: 60
The size of components inside the device and the bolt screw terminals may be clearly observed in the cross section.
Low-resolution tomogram acquired with Iridium192 gamma source
Low-resolution tomograms acquired with Iridium192 gamma source.
- Number of planes: 30
- Number of projections: 90
The high porosity of the outside surface makes it difficult to analyze by other investigating methods. The 3D tomograms reveal inside flaws in the central part.
Low-resolution tomogram acquired with Iridium192 gamma source.
- Diameter of reconstruction: 98 mm
- Number of projections: 60
The coils and the magnetic circuit of the device may be observed.
- Number of reconstruction planes: 25
- Diameter of reconstruction: 50 mm
- Number of projections: 90
The fineness of the 3D plot by the scales and drops of the weld is remarkable. A high-density material inclusion (possibly belonging to the welding electrode) and some internal caverns caused by the instability of the welding process may be observed.
Continuing the computerized investigation,�software� cut of the weld and a magnification of the cavity zones is shown. A very interesting result is obtained when the maximum flaw dimensions need to be measured. In usual cases, this is made using the radiation attenuation projection on radiographic film.
In computerized tomographic analysis it is possible to measure not only the undistorted dimension of the flaw size but also to determine the real shape and even the volume of the flaw. In NDT analysis this means a fully computerized 3D control technique.An interesting mode of representing a 3D tomogram of objects is by generating a programmed motion of the object. A special software algorithm does this by step-by-step object motion followed by automated image reconstruction. Here is an example of a 3D animation of a welded pipe. 36 successive images were computed from incremental view angles and then assembled together in a short movie.
Low-resolution tomogram acquired with Iridium192 gamma source.
- Diameter of reconstruction: 48 mm
- Number of projections: 60
The scanned section reveals small changes in the wall thickness, but no discontinuities or gaps.
Low-resolution tomogram acquired with Iridium192 gamma source.
- Diameter of reconstruction: 66 mm
- Number of projections: 60
The scanned section reveals high discontinuities and air gaps in the central zone caused by the casting process.
Low-resolution tomograms acquired with Iridium192 gamma source.
- Length of reconstruction area: 110 mm
- Number of projections: 60
Many large flows consisting of air bubbles resulting from the casting process may be seen. Tomographic reconstruction is the only method able to obtain a cross section of this product.